Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 5

I went to a great meeting last night. There was a guy there getting his 30 year medallion THIRTY FRICKIN' YEARS!!!!! Here's his big secret: "I'm just not going to drink today. Maybe tomorrow I will, but not today. I can't worry that far ahead. I know it sounds like a cliche, but I'm proof it's true. I've had 30 years of single days at a time." So fricking simple... yet too much to wrap my head around. Really??? Could it all be that easy??? Could I really one-day-at-a-time my way into 30 years or sobriety? I'd like to think so...

Mike and I are still trying to find ways to keep our booze-less evenings from getting boring and retarded. We've been drinking hot tea and chatting, and it's still been good, but I have such a fear of becoming boring. So far so good, but we're only a week in... Dear God, don't let us become a boring couple with nothing to say to each other...

I have another MD appointment in an hour... maybe I'll get the results of my MRI and find out whether or not I have MS. I have a feeling this appt is more to keep tabs on my rampant alcoholism, however...

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