Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 4

One week ago today I saw my doc and she informed me that I couldn't drink anymore. There the journey begins.

Last night I fell asleep totally defeated and woke up feeling small and powerless. I couldn't figure out what to do to get my mojo back for the day, and then it hit me: Dress How You'd Like To Feel.

So I went Power Dyke.

I put on a black business suit with a brightly-colored scarf, stiletto-heeled leather ass-kicking boots, lots of eyeliner, and dark lipstick. That, along with the short purple hair, screamed, "Don't fuck with me, bitches!" It did start to make me feel better almost immediately.

I still want a drink, though.

I'm going to a meeting tonight. It's the same group as the first meeting I ever went to, so I feel good about it. I'm actually looking forward to it. And it coincides with my kids' church schedule, so it works out even better.

One more sober day, one more day of "working the program", even though I'm still not sure what all that means.

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