Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today it is entirely overwhelming. I feel like I could go home right now and sleep through until tomorrow.

Last night after work, I crashed on the couch until it was time for a meeting, then after the meeting I picked up Mike. I was still just exhausted. We took a nice, hot bath and went straight to bed. I don't think I was even awake 10 minutes once my head hit the pillow. I felt bad for Mike... I'm sure he felt kind of lonely last night... but I didn't even have it in me to carry on a conversation. I just had to crash. Then, today, it was almost impossible to wake up. I am absolutely dragging.

I guess this is to be expected, but I have so much I need/want to do that I just don't feel up to tackling. This is frustrating and crappy. I have laundry to do, meetings to attend, errands to run, appointments to keep, and all I want to do is lie down somewhere, pull a blanket over my head and sleep. I can't think straight, and every step I take feels like I'm wading through quicksand.

Coffee doesn't help at all. Caffeine just makes my eyes hurt.

I guess it's just one more crappy consequence that I have to deal with, but uuuuuuuugh. Enough already.

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